
How Am I “Surviving” Being Stuck In Singapore?

By 9 November 2020 May 22nd, 2024 No Comments

 In my earlier post, I shared about how living and working in Japan was so conducive for me. I really loved the routine and the surrounding nature that allowed me to focus and brought me simple contentment.

As a follow up to that, this is how life in Singapore is like in comparison. Due to the pandemic, travel’s virtually impossible in the months after I returned for Chinese New Year in end January 2020. It’s not only after 8 months did I manage to escape Singapore, in October 2020.

kanazawan hiking japan
Hiking in Japan

When I’m working in Japan, I could focus 100%. My words would flow naturally as I reflect upon my journeys and adventures and I could actually let my thoughts flow without interruption. We read, write and play board games after work. Hell, I almost bought jigsaw puzzles to indulge my time in.

In Singapore, I struggle to write undistracted for even a good minute. There’s this invisible force in motion that somehow makes one feel compelled to be doing something all the time, turning the energy outward and towards productivity and accomplishing things instead of inward for reflection.

I feel like I’m sandwiched in a crowd of people moving onward, and if I didn’t, I’ll just be led to go with the flow, or I’ll feel like I’m missing out on precious time. I guess you call that societal pressure. I feel like if I’m not working on my blog, I should be engaging in some sort of “work” still, whether that might be reading/ watching/ listening to self-improvement stuff or learning a new skill.

pink notebook doodle journal Cannes France

Every time I tell myself to journal or read, the temptation of Netflix or TV is always there. If not, the temptation to clear my inbox, to sign up for every course to upskill, to add on to the never-ending to-do items.

For some strange reason, as an excuse to distract myself, I turn to social media more. I also turn to the fridge more (I don’t even snack when living in Hawaii!).

Yet, the more compelled I am to work, the more procrastination and unproductiveness loom over me. I don’t feel as accomplished as I can be because of all the half-done work, even though I’m fully aware about the numerous studies that talk about how multitasking leads to decreased productivity.

I’m fully aware, yet I can’t stop myself from doing it!

I feel like my eyeballs are constantly wanting to pop out from the strain of staring at screens.

I find myself wanting to be distracted and so mindlessly scroll through social networks to “take a break” from computer screen work (which totally defeats the purpose of taking a break from the screen).

This results in inadvertently comparing myself with my counterparts and feeling sorry for myself because I’m not as successful (i.e. not earning as much or getting as much traffic or working smart enough). It makes me think of a million different ideas I could/ should be doing. These are the days I fall into a spiral of self-loathe.

I know this is a difficult period and I am probably being too harsh on myself, but as they say, you are your worst critic, right?

There’s also less opportunity to express myself individually or to be open with myself in Singapore, because there’s always something nagging at the back of my mind that I’d be judged or critiqued if I don’t conform to societal standards, or for being raw and open with myself.

Community, cafe, friends

Granted, my friends and family are here. That, along with home-cooked meals, are my solace.

In between my unmotivated days where I get up at 10am every morning and spend my whole evening bingeing on Netflix, I’ve fortunately managed to set my course on a few new projects, such as:

Launching my very first course!

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This is a whole new project outside of blogging and travel, so I’ve been pretty focused with picking up new knowledge, skills and pushing myself outside my comfort zone (especially with speaking in front of the camera!).

I’ve also created a public Facebook group as well as expanded my Blogging section to include more blogging tips.

It’s been an enriching journey because I was able to expand my network being the travel community and connect with other creators.

Join my Facebook group to watch the interviews I’ve done of experts in the field of photography, YouTube, public relations and more!

Sharing more personal articles

skiing japan winter

.. And more lifestyle articles

There you have it, a glimpse into what living in Singapore is like during the pandemic.

Very fortunately, as I’m posting this, I’m on the road in the US. Follow along my vlogs and on Instagram to keep up-to-date with my adventures!

Isabel Leong

Isabel Leong

Full-time travel blogger at Bel Around The World and SEO coach roaming the world at a whim, Isabel helps aspiring content creators and brands get the most out of their online presence by attracting organic leads/traffic and achieving financial freedom with her Skyrocket With SEO course. She's closely involved in and has been featured as a speaker in other travel & digital nomad networks & podcasts such as Traverse, Travel Massive, The Nomadic Network and Location Indie.